Mangrove Bay Hotel i Kolonia

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Kolonia, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia
Kontakter telefon: +691 320 5454
Latitude: 6.9592357, Longitude: 158.2011325
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Kommentar 5

  • Horst Kruse

    Horst Kruse


    Very nice hotel with very good service. Excellent for planning diving, good equipment for rental and plenty of diving spots. Restaurant and bar on an traditional ship anchored in front of the hotel.

  • Richard Spaziano

    Richard Spaziano


    It was good and bad. WiFi didn't work in our room, they claim to have a TV, which was a lie, and otherwise if your there, you're stranded with nothing to do. That being said the dive club located inside the hotel was amazing.

  • Lee Arkhie Perez

    Lee Arkhie Perez


    Cool and lovely place. Great place to hang out and enjoy the view of the mighty sokeh's.

  • Sulinda Edward

    Sulinda Edward


    They have bar,sushi,hotel ocean cruise, And very friendly ,lovely Owners

  • Carol Nunley Pan

    Carol Nunley Pan


    Lovely, clean and spacious rooms with large and clean bathroom. The rooms have great air conditioning, mini fridge, views from private deck and wifi, although in some areas its stronger than in others. The sheets and towels are nice and soap is provided but bring your own shampoo and other amenities. Although the hotel is on the water Pohnpei is surrounded by Mangrove forests rather than beaches so expect to go by boat if you want to find a beach type of swimming experience. This 8 room hotel has no on-site restaurant but easy breakfast delivery from Arnolds arrives faster than most mainland room service and the charming sushi bar right across the parking lot sits over the marina and serves fantastic sushi and bar food. The hotel has free coffee and bananas in the reception area. The onsite surf club can arrange tours. The friendly staff picked us up at the airport even though we arrived hours late, Thank You!! We only stayed one night but will definitely come back for a return trip.

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